To be useful to the others should is an aspiration to everybody in Hriskov. If we think that we couldn't be useful to you we will inform you and we will withdraw.
To be useful to the others

Our main goal is to make better the others lives.
The company is focused on improving the lives of people and the environment around them. Many people use money and nescience as theirs main excuse, that's why we have focused on reducing the financial difficulties of those people enlightening theirs way to cope with those challenges and achieve theirs goals. We support them with knowledge, training and technical solutions to provide the knowledge they need to be more effective and successful in their way. In this way you will be able to further ensure that you will be in line with the real and important things in your life without any justifications.
The company participates in various companies with similar goals to the founder, and especially creating benefits for other people, trying to support them with expertise.
Екипите обслужващи клиентите ни, са в различни специализирани компании, част от групата на Хрисков, където основните принципи и цели съвпадат с тези на компанията. All teams serving our clients are working in various specialised companies, part of Hriskov's group, where the basic principles and goals coincide with those of our company.
Get rid of excuses and live a real and full life ...
Founders of Hriskov Group

Pavel Hriskov
Fonder and visionair. Pavel is the force which is moving the organization. He always likes to get involved in useful activities for people and to work in a team. He consults his clients and motivates them to achieve the desired results.

Vanya Hriskova
With experience in multinational corporations, Vanya is helping and assisting in the analysis and making better results. She is motivated about customers to be always successful and she is always ready to take companies to the next level.

Consulting company operating in the IT solutions industry.
- IT consulting
-Digital transformation

R&D company operating in UAV solutions and special forces technology development and consulting.

- consulting in insurance
- retirement planing
- financial trainings
The represented partners are organizations in which Hriskov ltd. has a share, as a partner or active joint activity.